After several years of teaching, I decided that to progress in my craft I would obtain a higher degree. I picked Reading as my subject area, because I have always loved to read and I consider it the most important skill we learn in school.
My mom (also a teacher) took us to the library regularly and read aloud great books to us in the evenings. I read all of the Judy Blume, Ramona Quimby, Nancy Drew, and Anne of Green Gables books I could get my hands on.
Check out this gorgeous set of books that my niece gave me! They are published by Rifle Paper Co. Almost too pretty to read...almost.
Learning the science of how children learn to read did not change my view that children will learn to read if they love it. A great list of books for the grade level you teach is essential. If I teach my students nothing else, I hope they have a love for good literature.
Click here for a free list of must read books in 3rd grade.