Tuesday, May 3, 2016


So, I have been out of the country, had the flu, and am finally catching up with life. I really need to travel more often.  I realize how valuable the lessons are that I teach my students when I return.  Here are a few pictures from my travels. Hoping to catch up with some teaching blogging after the school year ends.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Five for Friday!

What a week! So glad it is Friday.  Love my class this year, but boy do I work hard.  Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching this week.

My mom came in last weekend for an extended visit!  She has several grandkids in town and is thinking of moving here.  Happy to have her near and have had a great week helping her get situated.

Formal evaluation time at my school!  I feel like it went really well.  My students were on their best behavior and hit the learning targets out of the park.  I also learned a few things that will help me improve my teaching.  Beefing up my teaching portfolio was a lot of work, but made me feel accomplished.  So lucky to work where I work.

I got some of my pottery back from the bisque fire.  I am still a beginner, but these turned out amazing!  Can't wait to glaze them.

Soup Bowl

Pie Plate

Salad Plate

Having a hobby outside of teaching has been great for me.  I put so much in at school, that having a creative outlet just for fun is necessary.

Pajamas and a movie night!  Watching the intern.  Have you seen it?  Make sure you have tissues near.  Made me cry.

Reviewed my list of 40 things to do in the year I turn 40.  I have already completed 11!  So fun.  Looking forward to #'s 11, 12, and 13 over Spring Break.  Don't be jealous!  I have been penny pinching for quite a while.  2 weeks on the other side of the world here I come. 

 Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sunday Scoop Link-up

Happy to be linking with Teaching Trio this week.  Here is my Sunday Scoop!

3. Even though continuing education is necessary in teaching and super important.  It takes so much time.  I will be glad when this class is done and I can focus more on my teaching.
2. There is never enough time in the week, but this week I hope to get to all of the students needing math help before Friday.
1. The best way to improve my teaching is to watch someone else and reflect on what I do.  So glad I have that opportunity.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Linking with The Third Grade Nest

My friend and colleague at The Third Grade Nest posted this fun top ten for Valentine's.  I am a little late, but here goes:

I ate way too much candy this Valentine's Day!  Luckily we are holiday--less for a little while.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Five for Friday

Link me up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

Simply five things from Friday.

Friday: Valentine Party!

Crazy but the kids had a blast.  There was a ton of sugar.  We played 
Valentine Bingo with M&M's.  Super fun and easy. 
 I used this site to make my Bingo Cards.

Gave a 3rd Grade End of Quarter Summative Math Assessment.
13 kids got 100%.  Super exciting week in math.
 Love teaching in a spiral. 
 I really see my students 

Trimmed several pots at the pottery studio!

Drove to Utah to visit family.  
Listened to Harry Potter on the way.  Have you?  
Love it!! The guy who does the voices is amazing.

Learned how to change my blog background. 
Still working on it, but am getting the hang of things!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Simply "TECHY" Link Party

Learning to use technology in the classroom in a meaningful way can be challenging.  I created this link party to share practical and simple ideas for using technology.  I can't wait to hear your ideas!

1. Create a blog post.
2. Copy the image below into your blog post.

3.  On the template, share one way you have used technology in your classroom. Any technology used as a teaching tool or with students will do.
  4. Link somewhere in your post to 
or grab my button on the right.
5. Add a link to your Simply “TECHY” idea using the link up button at the bottom of this post.
6. Comment on two of your favorite tech 
links from the list.
7.  Add meaningful uses of technology 
to your classroom!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Crazy for Fabric Lanyards!!

This week we have been obsessing over fabric lanyards.  Check out these cute fabrics.

Lets get real, at this point in the year teachers are done with all of their boring cardigans and teacher outfits.  These fun lanyards really spice up your outfit.  I gave several to my colleagues and they loved them.  It is so fun to see them around the school.


I posted a few of my favorites.  I may end up with a new lanyard for every week of the school year!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

More Pottery!!!

I have been super busy the last few weeks.  I am working on an Educational Specialist degree.  If you didn't already know, teachers are always taking a class.  I haven't had as much time as I would like to spend at the pottery studio, but look what came out of the kiln last week!

The cheese dome is my favorite.  I think I will use it as a butter dish.  So fun!  

Thursday, January 28, 2016

3rd Grade Book List

After several years of teaching, I decided that to progress in my craft I would obtain a higher degree.  I picked Reading as my subject area, because I have always loved to read and I consider it the most important skill we learn in school.  

My mom (also a teacher) took us to the library regularly and read aloud great books to us in the evenings.  I read all of the Judy Blume, Ramona Quimby, Nancy Drew, and Anne of Green Gables books I could get my hands on. 

Check out this gorgeous set of books that my niece gave me!  They are published by Rifle Paper Co. Almost too pretty to read...almost.

Learning the science of how children learn to read did not change my view that children will learn to read if they love it.  A great list of books for the grade level you teach is essential.  If I teach my students nothing else, I hope they have a love for good literature.  
Click here for a free list of must read books in 3rd grade.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Am a Potter

Six months ago I would not have considered myself to have any artistic talent.  In fact, I sort of dread art in my classroom. I took a pottery class (it is on my list of 40 things) with a friend, and to my surprise I love it!  I have been working on several pieces and learning more and more each week.

Check out my pots.  I decided to plant succulents.  Apparently they are very easy to keep alive. If you need a creative outlet, I highly recommend pottery.

My classes at Puffy Mondaes in Nampa, Idaho have been outstanding.  They offer help for schools with art classes and free clay for students. Definitely worth checking out their site.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Common Core Math Spiral

Teaching 3rd grade math is amazing!  My students love learning, so it makes my job easy.  In spite of the fact that I have had great success with my students, the past couple of years have been pretty overwhelming. 

After our state adopted the Common Core Standards, it quickly became evident that curriculum adjustments were necessary in my classroom.  However, in order to ensure that my class reviews and practices all of the standards, I realized that I would have to assess all of the standards.  This can be overwhelming to any teacher!  Making a test for each standard is a huge process. 

To develop assessments for my class I began by calculating how many standards I would need to teach each day to teach all of them in a four week period.  I needed to make sure I was giving good feedback to parents.  If I taught all of the standards in a week, assessed them daily and then again at the end of the week, I would have assessed each standard 16 times in a year.  That is 16 chances for me and for the students to get it right!

If you find yourself struggling to assess all of the standards check out my math assessments and mini-lessons.  I am still working on finishing a whole school year, but if you are interested in checking out the first 9 weeks of 3rd grade you can find them here.


Saturday, January 23, 2016


This year I turn 40!  Wow!  Life flies by.  In honor of this milestone in life I made a list of 40 things to do in the year I turn 40.  Thus I am starting a blog.  If it is on my list it must be done, so here goes!

There is nothing better than having a former student come back to you and say, "You are my favorite teacher."  Second best is having a parent tell you that you made all of the difference in the world for their child.  After 15 years of teaching, these are the reasons I have stayed in the profession.  I am excited to share some of my experiences and teaching resources on this blog.  I also can't wait to share some of my own adventures and learning experiences.

Teaching inspires life-long learning.  You may have heard this statement before.  It is sort of a cliche in the teaching world. I hate to validate the cliche, but it is true.  My years in teaching have helped me to set goals, keep commitments and try new things.  One of my favorite educational quotes:

"Those who dare to teach must never cease to learn."

Check out my educational resources here. There are lots of freebies!

My list of things to do was really fun to make.  My sister decided to make a list of 50 things to do in the year she turns 50.  My students made a list of 9 things to do in the year they turn 9.  Click on the image below to see my list!

My friend J.P. gave me the idea to post some of my student's lists.

We talked about New Year's Resolutions and then made  9 things to do in the year they turn 9.  
They are adorable and I couldn't resist sharing a few.