Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Common Core Math Spiral

Teaching 3rd grade math is amazing!  My students love learning, so it makes my job easy.  In spite of the fact that I have had great success with my students, the past couple of years have been pretty overwhelming. 

After our state adopted the Common Core Standards, it quickly became evident that curriculum adjustments were necessary in my classroom.  However, in order to ensure that my class reviews and practices all of the standards, I realized that I would have to assess all of the standards.  This can be overwhelming to any teacher!  Making a test for each standard is a huge process. 

To develop assessments for my class I began by calculating how many standards I would need to teach each day to teach all of them in a four week period.  I needed to make sure I was giving good feedback to parents.  If I taught all of the standards in a week, assessed them daily and then again at the end of the week, I would have assessed each standard 16 times in a year.  That is 16 chances for me and for the students to get it right!

If you find yourself struggling to assess all of the standards check out my math assessments and mini-lessons.  I am still working on finishing a whole school year, but if you are interested in checking out the first 9 weeks of 3rd grade you can find them here.


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